
Write out the values that are important to you and that you expect in your day-to-day life, such as honesty, family, fun, adventure, integrity, acceptance, etc. You may end up with a list of 20 or more. You want them easy to remember, so once you have that initial list see which ones can be covered by other ones. For example, can honesty be listed under integrity for you? Try to distill it down to five or six core values. You don't have to (I have thirteen!), but it sure is easier to remember.

As an example here are my family values:

Faith - harm none, spirituality, respecting others faith as well as your own.
Honesty - openness, do what you say, tell the truth, don't withhold information.
Integrity - commitment, self worth, value of your word.
Acceptance - of yourself and others, non-judgmental, not trying to change others, not carrying others "baggage".
Respect - personal space, chain of command, recognize parents as the authority and kids as individual people.
Accountability - accepting conscious responsibility for your choices and their consequences.
Safety - not doing things that could harm yourself or others.
Magick - smell the roses, believe, the power of self and the world around you. Dance.
Trust - in yourself and the family around you. Stand in honesty and integrity.
Appreciation - gratitude for those in your life, what you do have, the opportunities you have, for life. Acknowledgement.
Health - cleanliness, keeping your home and body clean (inside and out).
Family - communication daily, participate in family events.
Love - encompasses all of the values of this family.

I'd love to hear your stories, struggles or questions. Feel free to comment. To your transformational enlightenment ~ Bo