The Thrive Triangle - or "Thrive Town"

The thrive triangle is my creation as an answer to how to remain out of the drama triangle and live a happier, healthier life.

The thrive triangle also has three roles: the Grounded, the Supporter and the Challenger. The glue that binds these roles together is a set of clearly defined values and boundaries that are effectively communicated to all parties. People know that they are whole and complete and enjoy enhancing each other's lives as well as their own. They make their decisions from their purpose rather than their core wound.

The Grounded is a person who is self-aware and stands in their integrity. They are able to evaluate their emotions, feel them and then let them go. They do not play the blame game; instead they look at what is working or not working in their lives. They are unable to be manipulated by guilt or take on other people's baggage. They have forgiven themselves and anyone who has hurt them and understand that every event and person that touches their life is a gift and learning opportunity.
The Supporter is a person that is willing and happy to help others, but they don't do so to the detriment of themselves. They are able to say "No" when something is outside their values or they do not have the time or energy to do it. They are compassionate without being sucked into drama. Instead of believing that they know what is best and what everyone needs, they ask "How can I best support you right now?" and then follow through in meeting those needs. They are able to actively listen to others' wants, desires and needs and can play the role of cheerleader or advisor when asked.
The Challenger is a person who supports your excellence but not your crap. They ask questions from a place of love and curiosity, pushing you to dream and achieve more than you thought possible. They help you stretch outside of your self-imposed limitations. They make a great coach or accountability partner. The great news with the thrive triangle is that you can move between the roles fluidly based on what each individual situation calls for. Living here keeps you squarely in "Thrive Town", creating your own happiness and supporting others in creating theirs.

I'd love to hear your stories, struggles or questions. Feel free to comment.
To your transformational enlightenment ~ Bo