Feel it baby!

       How many times have we heard, "Oh, don't feel that way!", or "Suck it up"? People seem to be so afraid of emotions and feelings that many of us spend all of our energy trying to control our feelings.  I believe it's important to feel whatever you're feeling. I mean, really feel it - get down and dirty with it - and then let it go. No more wallowing!
If you need to, have an all-out tantrum! Yup, call on your inner two year old and let it fly. Of course, if you are going to do this, I recommend doing it in a safe place where you will not hurt yourself, items you cherish or alarm others. Get on the floor, kick and scream. Cry if you want, rip up some paper. Whatever it takes to get it out.
This may sound silly, but it really works. Think about it. Almost all of us have witness a child have a tantrum. What happens after? They usually rest a bit and then are happy again and moving on to the next thing. They aren't hanging on to any resentments or anger. It's done. Over. They got it out instead of suppressing it. Tap into your inner wisdom that knows this and go for it!

Let's face it; the times that you gain the most knowledge, wisdom and experience is when the chips are down and life seems to suck. 
Knowing this makes it much easier for me to deal with whatever is going on. I can experience any event in my life knowing that it's just that - an event.  The event itself does not define who I am; my response does. All events in our lives are learning opportunities, and it's up to us to get the most out of it that we can. Root into the depths and relish the highs. 

I'd love to hear your stories, struggles or questions. Feel free to comment. To your transformational enlightenment ~ Bo