
Know and develop your boundaries. Without boundaries, there can be no trust. Without trust, there is no working relationship. And that includes with yourself! Once you choose your boundaries it is important to stay in integrity with yourself around them.

So what's the big deal about boundaries? Boundaries are crucial to all relationships, whether they're personal, familial or in business. The purpose of having boundaries is to protect and take care of ourselves. The majority of people do not intend to hurt or offend us, and we need to be able to effectively communicate what that means to us so they can understand. Every person has the right to protect and defend themselves - not only the right, but the duty to take responsibility for how we allow others to treat us.

We all have perceived boundaries, so having them really isn't the issue - holding them is. Experience has shown me that if you're wobbly in holding your boundaries you can't trust yourself, and if you can't trust yourself no one else will trust you either.

I'd love to hear your stories, struggles or questions. Feel free to comment. To your transformational enlightenment ~ Bo